This is an intensive course focused on Health and Wellness. You will enjoy 3 Ut.* of Spanish lessons and 120 minutes of yoga and meditation every day.
Yoga in spanish. Relax and fill yourself up with new energy after learning the art of yoga and meditation.
Do you know how to say “dog” in Spanish? Here is your chance to learn it! The Yoga courses will be held in Spanish, so you can learn Spanish and practice Yoga at the same time.
Length of the course in weeks: 2 weeks
**The number of weeks can be extended to 3
Total of hours: 50 Ut.*
Level: starting A2
Spanish lessons per week: 15 Ut.* (3 Ut.*/day)
Yoga sessions a week: 5
Price/person/week: 282 Euros
Maximum in a group: 6 students
* Ut. (Unit) = 45 Minutes