By Elvia Zaldívar.

“Wanting to follow the track of my own earlier footsteps, last summer I decided to embark on an adventure to rediscover and cherish my past, in a country on which no one now bets a penny and which has been reduced to the title of ‘most dangerous country in Latin America!’ Something in me is reluctant to see it from this simplistic perspective, it is much more and if I could describe it literally I would say:  ‘Yes, Honduras is in deep mire, but even in mire beauty shows through!’ This is currently the case in Honduras”…

Join hands with Elvia to discover Honduras, a multifaceted country, still overwhelmed by the exuberance of its nature and friendliness of its people.

All students and friends of Co Co Lanzarote are cordially invited. The talk will include a presentation with photos and Honduran music.