
Co Co Lingua offers officially recognized courses for those on “educational leave”

Co Co Lingua offers year-round Intensive Spanish courses in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) for holiday-makers who are on educational leave. Co Co Lingua Language School is officially certified to offer courses during educational leave in the following German federal States: Berlin, Branderburg, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachen-Anhalt and Schleswig-Hostein. You can find our certifications and description [...]


Visit to Timanfaya with Bildungsurlaub students

The best way to learn a language is to live it! And at Co Co Lingua we enjoy living it with you :)   Last month we enjoyed a wonderful trip to the magnificent Timanfaya National Park with our Bildungsurlaub students and now we'll leave the story of just how it was, to their teacher, [...]



If you are thinking of learning languages, GET TO KNOW US! Take advantage of our OPEN AFTERNOON, meet our teachers, find out about our classes and resolve any doubts. *** January 10th in La Aurora - Playa Blanca *** *** January 13th in Co Co Lingua - Yaiza *** We will be waiting for you! 


Learning Spanish is great Fun

However, learning a language can be a great effort, especially when taking into account our daily routine, what with work, children, errands, etc... Plus, when we make the decision, either by necessity or design, we find ourselves with the difficulty of choosing how, where and in what way we learn, since, from that, it will [...]


Advance news for 2015

In Co Co Lanzarote we are always happy to offer you with a wide variety of social and cultural activities, where you can experience the Spanish world and take a deep look into its culture. Coming soon: -        Hispanic Cinema. -        Presentation of Co Co Lanzarote´s Team. -        Visit to: Dumping site at Zonzamas. Cesar [...]


Co Co Lingua offers officially recognized courses for those on “educational leave”

Co Co Lingua offers year-round Intensive Spanish courses in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) for holiday-makers who are on educational leave.               Co Co Lingua Language School is officially certified to offer courses during educational leave in the following German federal States: Berlin, Branderburg, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachen-Anhalt and Schleswig-Hostein. [...]


Program and dates for the new 2014 Spanish courses

Hiking in Lanzarote Length of the course in weeks: 2 weeks *The number of weeks can be extended to 3 Total of hours: 50 hours Level:  starting A2Spanish lessons per week: 15 (3 hours/week) Hiking time per Week: 10 hours/week Frequency/Week: 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)Price person/week: 230 Euros Start date:  March 3rd [...]



Intensive course focused on health and Wellness. 3 hours of Spanish lessons and 60 minutes of yoga and meditation every day. Relax and give yourself new energy after learning the art of yoga and meditation. Do you know how to say “dog” in Spanish? Here, you've got the opportunity to learn it! The yoga courses [...]


Only for NEW Spanish students – Special offer for the beginning of the year 2014 – all levels

The first 5 people who sign up for lessons in a group and register for a minimum of 20 hours, will get automatically 10% discount from normal price by paying in advance.


New Spanish courses starting soon in 2014!!

Take advantage of your time in Lanzarote, meet people and learn Spanish by combining your passion for culture, hiking, and gastronomy with any of our Spanish courses. To enjoy all of this and more, Colloquial Community Lanzarote has designed these Programs:  “Spanish Club 50+” & Culture, Spanish & Hiking in Lanzarote, Spanish & Gastronomy.  Request [...]

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