A journey to Bolivia – by Odaly Fernández – Friday 21st. February at 6:00 p.m.
A glance to the variety of this country. A story told by a Bolivian woman who now lives in Lanzarote with her family. She will take us by the hand to visit a country with [...]
“Intercambio” meeting – End of the Spanish semi-intensive courses at the Antigua Escuela de Yaiza – January, Friday 24th at 4:00 p.m.
End of the Spanish semi-intensive courses in January At the end of the Spanish semi-intensive courses, theparticipants of the courses and the rest of the Spanish, English and German students at Co Co Lanzarote Language [...]
Visit to Finca Tres Peñas – Thursday January 23rd. at 11:00 a.m.
Spanish students will visit the Finca Tres Peñas guided by Manolo, its owner. This way they will learn directly from an expert about the influence of climate change in the agriculture of Lanzarote. The Finca [...]
Semi-intensive courses “My favorite” – Level A1
Dates: from January 13th to 24th 2014 Timetable: 2 hours/day Group I: de 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. GroupII: de 16 to 18 hours ¡We still have openings! Future dates: March 3rd and 31st., April 21st, [...]
Program and dates for the new 2014 Spanish courses
Hiking in Lanzarote Length of the course in weeks: 2 weeks *The number of weeks can be extended to 3 Total of hours: 50 hours Level: starting A2Spanish lessons per week: 15 (3 hours/week) Hiking [...]
Intensive course focused on health and Wellness. 3 hours of Spanish lessons and 60 minutes of yoga and meditation every day. Relax and give yourself new energy after learning the art of yoga and meditation. [...]
Only for NEW Spanish students – Special offer for the beginning of the year 2014 – all levels
The first 5 people who sign up for lessons in a group and register for a minimum of 20 hours, will get automatically 10% discount from normal price by paying in advance.
End of the year language exchange – Friday 13th December 2013
At the Antigua Escuela de Yaiza (from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.). Co Co Lanzarote - Language School, will be hosting with all of its Spanish, English and German students an exchange reunion to get to [...]
Christmas Brunch – Saturday, 7th December 2013 at 11:00 a.m. at Co CoLanzarote – Language School
[/fusion_builder_column] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z55KpL0xJRs&feature=youtu.be This is a Christmas reunion with the Spanish, English and German students to get to know each other and to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere. Students will share culinary specialties from their countries: [...]
Website Launching
Continuing courses
Continuing courses: General English for adults: Monday: 11:00 – 12:30 and Wednesday: 6:00 – 7:30 English for Kids: Monday and Friday: 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. German for Teens: Friday: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. […]
End of the Module II – German for Tourism
End of the Module II – German for Tourism