Today is The Day of the Canary Islands! This event celebrates the islands’ culture. It also commemorates the autonomous Canary Islands Parliament’s first session on May 30, 1983.

Are you living in any of the Canary Island? If that’s the case, we are sure you are in love with our people, culture and landscapes! Playas, volcanes, dunas, valles, acantilados… And what about the language? Do you like the Spanish language?

Do you want to make the most of your time living abroad? One of the most common questions people ask before moving abroad is whether they should learn the local language. And of course, as you can imagine, our answer to that question is Yes! (¡Sí!). Being able to communicate effectively can have a significant effect on the quality of life someone experiences. That’s why we have created this guide with useful Spanish phrases that you can use when going out, making friends, eating in a restaurant or travelling. 

DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE: Spanish for expats GUIDE

You will find these topics:

  • Information about The Canary Islands
  • Saludos (Greetings)
  • Frases útiles (Useful Phrases)
  • En el restaurante (At the Restaurant)
  • En la calle (Going out)
  • Los números (Numbers)
  • Los meses (Months)
  • Los días de la semana (Days of the Week)
  • Los colores (Colours)
  • Palabras en Canarias (Words in the Canary Island)

We hope you find this guide really useful. Leave us a comment and tell us about your experience living abroad! ¡Hasta pronto!